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Arundel Gate Bus Gate Pre-Implementation Consultation contributions

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over 1 year ago


Do you think there is a need to clean up the air in Sheffield?


Arundel Gate is one of the worst locations in Sheffield for air pollution. Were you aware of this before reading our website?


Do you think something should be done to improve air quality along Arundel Gate?


Do you support plans to make the north-bound side of Arundel Gate bus-only? (Cars will continue to travel south-bound from Ponds Forge along Arundel Gate.)


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over 1 year ago


Do you think there is a need to clean up the air in Sheffield?


Arundel Gate is one of the worst locations in Sheffield for air pollution. Were you aware of this before reading our website?


Do you think something should be done to improve air quality along Arundel Gate?


Do you support plans to make the north-bound side of Arundel Gate bus-only? (Cars will continue to travel south-bound from Ponds Forge along Arundel Gate.)


Please use the comment box below to explain your answer to the above question.

The Clean Air Zone has nothing at all to do with air quality in Sheffield. The council's stance on air quality can be seen in their attempt to cull 17,500 street trees [through an unlawful PFI agreement], which directly reduce localised particulate air pollution; and also through their aggressive roll-out of fibre broadband, for the next leg of the smart city agenda, which utilises plant and machinery on every street causing excessive pollution everywhere. We know from the global drive to roll out-these schemes that the idea was not generated locally. Local decision makers are either complicit in the agenda or they see money being offered and take it without a second thought for the consequences. The CAZ is just a tool in the arsenal of the 'Smart City' agenda whereby every citizen will be tracked and traced in real time and their choices will be limited to those suitably approved by faceless bureaucrats. The concurrent '20-minute neighbourhoods' policy will work hand in glove with the CAZ scheme and will eventually lead to charging people for travelling outside their areas. This is already happening in Oxford and around the world. The 'Smart City' is only smart for those who control it and will represent an absolute loss of our freedom. The bus gate proposal will add to the negative effects of the CAZ by reducing business for shops and services in the already decimated ghost town that is Sheffield city centre. It will lead to business closures and reduce the incomes of those who rely on travel into and out of the area for their work or trade. If the council haven't already noticed; the coronavirus restrictions, increase in energy prices, increase in food prices, increase in fuel prices, increase in materials costs and increase in interest rates have made the costs of business and the costs of living eye-wateringly expensive. Who in their right mind would want to limit movement and trade into the city centre at a time like this. The current proposals to limit access and traffic into the city centre are akin to committing Town Planning suicide. The utopian dreams of the Great Reset globalists will lead to the destruction of lives and livelihoods, in our city and all cities where these Marxist policies are imposed... Oh, and by the way, Granny isn't going to cycle to M&S to buy her ready-meal on pension day! Let's get back to the real world.

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over 1 year ago


Do you think there is a need to clean up the air in Sheffield?


Arundel Gate is one of the worst locations in Sheffield for air pollution. Were you aware of this before reading our website?


Do you think something should be done to improve air quality along Arundel Gate?


Do you support plans to make the north-bound side of Arundel Gate bus-only? (Cars will continue to travel south-bound from Ponds Forge along Arundel Gate.)

Yes, with reservations

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over 1 year ago


Do you think there is a need to clean up the air in Sheffield?


Arundel Gate is one of the worst locations in Sheffield for air pollution. Were you aware of this before reading our website?


Do you think something should be done to improve air quality along Arundel Gate?

Not sure

Do you support plans to make the north-bound side of Arundel Gate bus-only? (Cars will continue to travel south-bound from Ponds Forge along Arundel Gate.)

Yes, with reservations

Please use the comment box below to explain your answer to the above question.

There are public buildings such as Graves Gallery and the Central Library that have delivery areas on the northbound side of the proposed restricted area. Access should be maintained

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over 1 year ago


Do you think there is a need to clean up the air in Sheffield?


Arundel Gate is one of the worst locations in Sheffield for air pollution. Were you aware of this before reading our website?


Do you think something should be done to improve air quality along Arundel Gate?


Do you support plans to make the north-bound side of Arundel Gate bus-only? (Cars will continue to travel south-bound from Ponds Forge along Arundel Gate.)


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