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Crookes Active Neighbourhood contributions

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almost 3 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?


How do you think an Active Travel Neighbourhood would benefit your area?

• Better environment for walking

• Access is maintained for homes and businesses

• More child-friendly

What, if anything, do you dislike about the proposals to create an Active Travel Neighbourhood?

• Harder to park

• Harder to reach my home/business

• Not enough improvement for pedestrians

What is your connection to the area?

• I live in the area

Would you like to see more green space provided in Crookes through the creation of an Active Travel Neighbourhood?


Which features would you most like to see provided within any new green spaces?

• Planting

Do you think making it easier and safer to walk or cycle in Crookes would help to create a more pleasant neighbourhood?


Which of the following options do you consider to be an issue in Crookes?

• Difficulty crossing roads

• Too many parked cars

Which measures would be most useful to address these issues?

• Improved crossings

• Improved footpaths for walking

How could we make your area more suitable for cycling and walking?

• Improved footpaths

• Priority at crossings

How do you currently travel around the Crookes area?

• Car – regularly

• Walking – regularly

How would you travel around the Crookes area if an Active Neighbourhood is introduced?

• Car – regularly

• Walking – regularly

Do you have any other comments on this scheme?

Crossings should be improved on the main roads - if you are going to encourage children to walk to school (and encourage life long walkers) and reassure parents that these are safe routes, then the school routes need to be monitored and improved. I am unconvinced that the introduction of bollards/planters to restrict traffic to certain roads will work- we need more info on how this could work. Restrictions on parking can lead to displaced traffic onto busy pressures points on the main roads, which only serves to increase pollution and congestion which is clearly not the aim of this scheme. I am also not convinced that any measures will encourage that much commuter cycling as Crookes is on a hill, but would be interested in any suggestions.

Which roads within the boundary of the proposed Active Neighbourhood would you identify as being the most problematic at the moment? How do you think we can address the issues?

Springvale road from Crookes to the junction at commonside is problematic due to heavy traffic at rush hours and a blind bend - also exacerbated by the current building work - the resulting flats will cause more traffic and problems. The dropped kerb crossing at the bottom of mona road over springvale is outright dangerous - this is a well used crossing for families and children to cross to go to westways school - I have seen it hundreds of times where a car flashes or indicates for people to cross and the other car waiting assumes they are flashing or indicating for them to go resulting in people crossing dangerously - often young children (yrs 5 & 6) on their own. On Crookes there needs to be better crossings - there needs to be a detailed study of how our young people walk to their (catchment) schools. The walk from Slinn Street, for example, to King Edward's Lower School is long and fraught with lots of risky crossings. If in the long term we want to nurture walkers , surely we should start with the journey to school - this is fundamental. The problems around westways are well known to residents and users of the school - risky drop offs and parking have plagued it for as long as I've been an parent there, which is 15yrs - if you want more details, you should have a proper consultation.

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Mostly negative

almost 3 years ago


How do you think an Active Travel Neighbourhood would benefit your area?

• Access is maintained for homes and businesses

What, if anything, do you dislike about the proposals to create an Active Travel Neighbourhood?

• Harder to park

• Harder to reach my home/business

What is your connection to the area?

• I live in the area

Which features would you most like to see provided within any new green spaces?

• Seating

Do you think making it easier and safer to walk or cycle in Crookes would help to create a more pleasant neighbourhood?


Which of the following options do you consider to be an issue in Crookes?

• Difficulty crossing roads

• Too many parked cars

• High speed traffic

• Unsafe for walking

Which measures would be most useful to address these issues?

• Reduction in traffic

• Changes to parking

• Improved crossings

• Improved footpaths for walking

How could we make your area more suitable for cycling and walking?

• Improved crossings

• Improved footpaths

• Reduced traffic on the roads

• Priority at crossings

How do you currently travel around the Crookes area?

• Walking – regularly

• Car – occasionally

• Bus – regularly

How would you travel around the Crookes area if an Active Neighbourhood is introduced?

• Bus – occasionally

• Walking – regularly

• Car – occasionally

Which roads within the boundary of the proposed Active Neighbourhood would you identify as being the most problematic at the moment? How do you think we can address the issues?

double parking on school rd from blakeney rd upwards to main crookes rd, school rd and springvale used as rat runs, i live on ramsey rd and cant get oarked near my house due to uni staff an d hospital staff park8ng for the day and students with 3 or 4 cars to a house being totally selfish bringing cars here and leaving them unmoved ffor days on end. but what good is blocking off streets and these other proposals you are just going to make things worse for residents.

Do you have any other comments on this scheme?

cyclists are in minority in crookes its steepest suburb in sheffield. nothing wrong with 52 bus route its busiest route in city and regular services by 2 companies. 95 leaves a lot to be desired though. it would be good to link south and crookes though. i wish people replying on here would stop calling the main road on crookes crookes high street. it isnt crookes high st its called just crookes. also if parking permits are introduced go back to old system of giving a sticker for car windscreen so we know who has a permit. parking wardens gaving hand held terminals which they can check on isnt much use to joe public is it, and when you complain to a traffic warden that you cant get round a footpath with a pram due to cars being parked on footpath across double yellows do you think that they could take action instead of ignoring you cos they cant be bothered to walk 200 metres uphill. and what about getting landlords and house owners to trim back their privets and bushes and tree branches that overhang onto the footpaths, good example here is on school rd where gap to get thru is about 18 inch due to privet, narrow path anyway and big van half parked on path and bins left out by students for days on end. its only a few year ago that school rd was a bus route top to bottom, i think it was the num 6 and cobden view rd was a bus route top to bottom for 201/m67. what chance has a bus got now to go on either of these 2 roads. TRAFFIC AND PARKING WAS NEVER LIKE THIS WHEN I CAME HERE MANY YEARS AGO. the council are to blame for forcing hospital and u niversity workers up the hill to park and making life unpleasant for us residents cos thats what is has become

How do you feel about this proposal?

Mostly negative

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almost 3 years ago


How do you think an Active Travel Neighbourhood would benefit your area?

• More child-friendly

• Unsure

How do you feel about this proposal?


What, if anything, do you dislike about the proposals to create an Active Travel Neighbourhood?

• Harder to park

• Harder to reach my home/business

What is your connection to the area?

• I visit friends and family

• I visit for shopping

• I travel through the area

Would you like to see more green space provided in Crookes through the creation of an Active Travel Neighbourhood?

Not sure

Which features would you most like to see provided within any new green spaces?

• Planting

• Flowers

• Seating

Do you think making it easier and safer to walk or cycle in Crookes would help to create a more pleasant neighbourhood?


Which of the following options do you consider to be an issue in Crookes?

• Difficulty crossing roads

• Only up on Crookes

Which measures would be most useful to address these issues?

• Safer areas for children to play

• Improved crossings

How could we make your area more suitable for cycling and walking?

• Priority at crossings

• Continuous cycleways

• Cycle parking

• Improved crossings

How do you currently travel around the Crookes area?

• Car – regularly

• Walking – regularly

How would you travel around the Crookes area if an Active Neighbourhood is introduced?

• Car – regularly

• Walking – regularly

Which roads within the boundary of the proposed Active Neighbourhood would you identify as being the most problematic at the moment? How do you think we can address the issues?

Crookes main road and Springvale - better and safer crossings for kids to walk to school. School street round Westways could be useful.

Do you have any other comments on this scheme?

I think it is fairly safe to walk around Crookes at the moment, however crossings could be improved on the main roads. I am uncertain about the introduction of bollards and planters to restrict traffic to certain roads as there are known parking issues as it is, especially when the students return. Restrictions like this also often lead to displaced traffic onto busy pressures points on the main roads, which only serves to increase pollution and congestion which is clearly not the aim of this scheme. They should only be implemented if they monitored and tested, and removed if they are clearly causing knock on issues. I am also not convinced that these measures will encourage that much cycling as Crookes is on a hill, therefore, only the hardcore cyclists will continue to cycle as they probably already are.

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Mostly positive

almost 3 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?

Mostly positive

How do you think an Active Travel Neighbourhood would benefit your area?

• Reduced congestion

• Create space for activities

• More child-friendly

• Better environment for walking

• Improved air quality

• Quieter and calmer environment

What, if anything, do you dislike about the proposals to create an Active Travel Neighbourhood?

• Harder to reach my home/business

• Harder to park

What is your connection to the area?

• I live in the area

Would you like to see more green space provided in Crookes through the creation of an Active Travel Neighbourhood?

Not sure

Which features would you most like to see provided within any new green spaces?

• Flowers

• Seating

Do you think making it easier and safer to walk or cycle in Crookes would help to create a more pleasant neighbourhood?


Which of the following options do you consider to be an issue in Crookes?

• High speed traffic

• Too many parked cars

• Noise pollution

• Unsafe for children to play out

• Air pollution

Which measures would be most useful to address these issues?

• Safer areas for children to play

• Reduction in traffic

• Changes to parking

How could we make your area more suitable for cycling and walking?

• Improved footpaths

• Reduced traffic on the roads

How do you currently travel around the Crookes area?

• Walking – regularly

How would you travel around the Crookes area if an Active Neighbourhood is introduced?

• Walking – regularly

Which roads within the boundary of the proposed Active Neighbourhood would you identify as being the most problematic at the moment? How do you think we can address the issues?

I live on Western Road. It is used as a busy cut through to the hospitals and university so the traffic if high particularly at start and finish of the day. This combined with school traffic and increased number of students during term time (with their cars) makes it problematic. Residents only parking would be good. One way system or someway of deterring though traffic and/or university/hospital staff parking would be good. I do need parking near my house for access, particularly for elderly Mother, but this is very difficult at during working day virtually impossible. I walk where I can but when I need to drive I often can not park any where near my house. Paths get very slippy when wet and very dangerous slip hazard for all so people walk on the road which increases the risk on this busy cut through route. Me included as I have fallen a number of times on the wet flags (made worse by tree sap) - could be improved by regular cleaning by council. I assume the flags will be left in place since they have just upgraded the paths and left them in place. So the slip hazard from slippy cobbles and slippy paths with high volume of traffic to me is an accident waiting to happen. So to reduce traffic may reduce this risk. With keeping the cobbles (which I supportted) I note cyclists are now using the paths on Western Road which has increased risk to pedestrians. - good cycle paths (not on the cobbled end of western road) would hopefully help this for both cyclist and padestrian.

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almost 3 years ago


How do you feel about this proposal?


How do you think an Active Travel Neighbourhood would benefit your area?

• not clear whether an active neighbourhood would provide these benefits, I've asked for some details of how it can help but so far I've not been able to obtain anything that would allow me to reply to a consultation.

Would you like to see more green space provided in Crookes through the creation of an Active Travel Neighbourhood?


Which features would you most like to see provided within any new green spaces?

• Planting

• more street trees

Do you think making it easier and safer to walk or cycle in Crookes would help to create a more pleasant neighbourhood?


Which of the following options do you consider to be an issue in Crookes?

• Congestion

• Noise pollution

• Air pollution

• Unsafe to cycle

• Difficulty crossing roads

• considering crookes in isolation (or just one area as proposed here, and as was recently proposed for Walkley risks moving problems like congestion and air pollution to neighbouring streets and even in Crookes itself.

What is your connection to the area?

• I live in the area

• I visit for shopping

• I travel through the area

• I visit friends and family

What, if anything, do you dislike about the proposals to create an Active Travel Neighbourhood?

• Dislike the concept of a consultation with no proper explantation of the possible impacts of the options, why the area has been selected. I fail to understand why the council insists on not providing people with the information they need to make any informed contribution to the consultation.

How do you currently travel around the Crookes area?

• Walking – regularly

How would you travel around the Crookes area if an Active Neighbourhood is introduced?

• Walking – regularly

Which roads within the boundary of the proposed Active Neighbourhood would you identify as being the most problematic at the moment? How do you think we can address the issues?

I don't have the data from the council to make any informed response to this question. Based on the evidence I can get (e.g. on pollution) the main issue is the main road which is congested and has recorded pollution above legal levels. I believe that measures to change traffic levels in the proposed active neighbourhood area could have an adverse impact on the main road, or on other roads within the area (both within and outside the active neighbourhood boundary). I live on Slinn Street, and I don't perceive our street as having big problems. Western road and Mona Avenue could be different due to the school - but it would be a mistake to push school traffic onto for example school road or Springvale, which are already very crowded with parking.

Do you have any other comments on this scheme?

The council need to engage properly with people in the area if this initiative is to have any success - the low level of engagement with the consultation I believe is because the council have failed to explain properly what the choices - and importantly the trade offs are. I've asked for information on what the council have learnt from the 20mph one which covers parts of the proposed active neighbourhood area, but it seems like no one has any information. We need to see the evidence and make informed decisions. Giving us the information you have is the most basic thing you can do. Recent changes to Western Road to make part of it a cobbled street were also done without providing the residents and those of us who use the street with any proper information. Are there plans to assess the impact of those changes before we embark on more? It feels like the council don't trust residents enough to give them information.

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