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Nether Edge-City Centre contributions

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over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this scheme?


What do you dislike about this scheme?

• Concerns about access to my home/business

• No improvements to public transport

• Removal of parking spaces

• Changes to vehicular access on some roads

• Priority crossings for cyclists/pedestrians

What is your connection to the area?

• I work here

• I live here

How do you feel about our proposals to create a segregated cycle route from Nether Edge to the city centre and a spur up to the University of Sheffield and the hospitals in the Broomhall and West End areas?

Very negative

Do you think that the provision of improved crossings for pedestrians and cyclists will make short journeys by walking and cycling an easier and more attractive option?


Do you support the proposed removal of the underpass on St Mary’s Gate and the provision of controlled surface level parallel crossings for cyclists and pedestrians?


How will the improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure around Nether Edge affect your choices about how you travel to and from the city centre and/or the University of Sheffield and hospitals in the Broomhall/ lower Broomhill areas?

No change

Do you have any other comments on this scheme?

Clearly this decision is being made by people who do not live in the area, nor commute to/through You are becoming a very anti-car city/council. The crossing at St Mary’s Gate is not needed, there are at least 2 on London Road as it is. The underpass is sometimes safer - it was only a few weeks ago someone was knocked down at the crossing at the junction of London Road and St Mary’s Gate Re Napier Street. Are you now saying the bit of Napier between Summerfield Street and Pearl Street would be for pedestrians/bikes only and not cars? Ridiculous if so. How do you think students would access the numerous blocks of student accommodation when terms start in September? Those that live on Napier Street and surrounding already know that during the weekends students arrive, the road is standstill traffic both ways. By going ahead with your idea, you would grind more of the city to a standstill. You also risk making roads that are already busy (London Road, eg) even more heavily congested. Making parking spaces nearer to Waitrose is an accident waiting to happen, as is the change to main access to Waitrose I’m not sure you’ve really thought this through. It sounds like it will be (yet another) waste of money. The amount of car users far outweighs cyclists/walking. Your plans will not change that, they would just create more congestion on already heavily congested roads, make it harder for people to park who visit residents on Napier Street/work there. Also for people who live on the road as not all the flats there have car parking spaces available at their place of residence. What about those that may have relatives with disabilities visiting who need parking close? What about when residents move home. The plans make these things harder. What if it impacts on property value? You’ve killed town pretty much. Now it seems you want to kill the rest of the city, too Concerns also re possible noise if proposal goes through - it was enough when the student flats were built. Putting more traffic lights on Summerfield St would cause more stop/start traffic and therefore pollution. They are not needed Waste of money and resources - stupid, especially in the current times. Within a few minutes of looking onto Napier Street, the amount of car users outweighed bikes by 13 to one. Napier Street is a busy road with people accessing Waitrose and using it instead of busier roads. Pre Covid, there was standstill traffic daily during the week as well as when students arrive.

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Mostly negative

over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this scheme?

Mostly negative

What do you like about this scheme?

• Improved crossing points

What do you dislike about this scheme?

• Replacement of trees

• Concerns about access to my home/business

• Removal of parking spaces

• Changes to vehicular access on some roads

• Destroying precious green space

What is your connection to the area?

• I live here

How do you feel about our proposals to create a segregated cycle route from Nether Edge to the city centre and a spur up to the University of Sheffield and the hospitals in the Broomhall and West End areas?


Do you think that the provision of improved crossings for pedestrians and cyclists will make short journeys by walking and cycling an easier and more attractive option?


Do you support the proposed removal of the underpass on St Mary’s Gate and the provision of controlled surface level parallel crossings for cyclists and pedestrians?


How will the improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure around Nether Edge affect your choices about how you travel to and from the city centre and/or the University of Sheffield and hospitals in the Broomhall/ lower Broomhill areas?

No change

Do you have any other comments on this scheme?

Life on the estate and the surroundings has been corroded enough. Even the view across the valley's been obliterated. Now the sense of peaceful parkland is being hacked away for *the good of the environment*. I'm not a NIMBY - I want a nurturing green environment in my back yard, but we're in a doublespeak age where that means cutting down trees and paving over swathes of grass. The effect on mental health and wellbeing of the people in the flats from all the incremental changes that have happened is never taken into account. SCC seems to present good intentions but always manages to get things wrong while wasting millions in the process. Why is this any different? Better road safety down Summerfield Street would be wonderful. The rest, feels like a slap in the face (again).

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Mostly positive

over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this scheme?

Mostly positive

What do you like about this scheme?

• Better environment for cycling

• New greenery along proposed cycling route

• More attractive environment

• Improved crossing points

What do you dislike about this scheme?

• Changes to vehicular access on some roads

What is your connection to the area?

• I live here

• I travel through the area

How do you feel about our proposals to create a segregated cycle route from Nether Edge to the city centre and a spur up to the University of Sheffield and the hospitals in the Broomhall and West End areas?


Do you think that the provision of improved crossings for pedestrians and cyclists will make short journeys by walking and cycling an easier and more attractive option?


Do you support the proposed removal of the underpass on St Mary’s Gate and the provision of controlled surface level parallel crossings for cyclists and pedestrians?


How will the improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure around Nether Edge affect your choices about how you travel to and from the city centre and/or the University of Sheffield and hospitals in the Broomhall/ lower Broomhill areas?

No change

Do you have any other comments on this scheme?

Prior to lock-down I cycled to work every day, so have first-hand experience and pleased the routes will be improved. Map A - The shared footpath and cycle-way on Wostenholm is a concern. Pedestrians pose more risk often than cars. It's unclear where this will lead, especially now you're on the wrong side of the road. B - Vehicle exit from Mackenzie is good and clear visibility. The alternatives are not so good. Closing other exits may be better. C - Closure of Napier (from Nuffield). It leaves no obvious way of joining the ring road for Nuffield visitors unless exiting via Waitrose car park. The morning (post 7:30) closure of left hand turn from Boston street amplifies this issue. Traffic builds up occurs for those wishing to join the ring road from Cemetery (after lane close from 7:30) who have to use Summerfield and Eccessall road, or detour via Bramall Lane. St Mary's subway - I do not cycle the subway due to the pedestrian hazard and quicker to use the bus lane. However, keeping pedestrians and traffic apart is safer and helps flow of traffic at peak times. I would support more higher level crossing points and elevated cycleways, such as the Ponds Forge crossings.

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Mostly positive

over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this scheme?

Mostly positive

What do you like about this scheme?

• Improved crossing points

• Better environment for walking

• Improved connection into the city centre

• Less air pollution

• More attractive environment

• More child-friendly

• Improved connection to areas of employment

• Better environment for cycling

• Environmental benefits

• Increased priority for cyclists at junctions

• Safer to walk and cycle

What do you dislike about this scheme?

• No improvements to public transport

• Removal of parking spaces

• Changes to vehicular access on some roads

• Concerns about access to my home/business

What is your connection to the area?

• I own a business here

• I work here

• I travel through the area

How do you feel about our proposals to create a segregated cycle route from Nether Edge to the city centre and a spur up to the University of Sheffield and the hospitals in the Broomhall and West End areas?


Do you think that the provision of improved crossings for pedestrians and cyclists will make short journeys by walking and cycling an easier and more attractive option?


Do you support the proposed removal of the underpass on St Mary’s Gate and the provision of controlled surface level parallel crossings for cyclists and pedestrians?


How will the improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure around Nether Edge affect your choices about how you travel to and from the city centre and/or the University of Sheffield and hospitals in the Broomhall/ lower Broomhill areas?

Slight change

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Mostly positive

over 3 years ago


How do you feel about this scheme?

Mostly positive

What do you like about this scheme?

• Safer to walk and cycle

• Less air pollution

• Environmental benefits

• Better environment for cycling

• Better environment for walking

• More attractive environment

• Improved connection into the city centre

• Improved connection to areas of employment

What do you dislike about this scheme?

• Changes to vehicular access on some roads

• Removal of parking spaces

What is your connection to the area?

• I work here

• I live here

• I own a business here

How do you feel about our proposals to create a segregated cycle route from Nether Edge to the city centre and a spur up to the University of Sheffield and the hospitals in the Broomhall and West End areas?


Do you think that the provision of improved crossings for pedestrians and cyclists will make short journeys by walking and cycling an easier and more attractive option?


Do you support the proposed removal of the underpass on St Mary’s Gate and the provision of controlled surface level parallel crossings for cyclists and pedestrians?


How will the improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure around Nether Edge affect your choices about how you travel to and from the city centre and/or the University of Sheffield and hospitals in the Broomhall/ lower Broomhill areas?

Slight change

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