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The Arundel Gate Bus Gate is Now Operational

The bus gate on the northbound carriageway of Arundel Gate is now operational. The bus gate will limit vehicular traffic travelling northbound along Arundel Gate between the Novotel Hotel junction and Norfolk Street. The bus gate will only allow buses, coaches, registered hackney carriages and private hire taxis and cyclists to pass through.

Installing a bus gate here will provide increased public transport priority to ease congestion and support faster journey times.

The bus gate has been implemented through an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). This is now live and a statutory consultation period has begun, you can now make formal comments on the scheme as part of the statutory consultation process. Please check the webpage for information on how to make formal comments on the scheme as part of the statutory consultation process.

Enforcement cameras are located at the bus gate and unauthorised vehicles, such as private cars, will now be charged for going through the bus gate; registered keepers of unauthorised vehicles using the bus gate will be issued with a fixed penalty charge notice. Warning signs and direction signs for routes to avoid the bus gate have been installed to ensure people are aware of it and have the opportunity to avoid it.

If you have any questions, you can get in touch with the Connecting Sheffield engagement team using the following channels:


Freephone: 0808 196 5105

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You can find out more on our website where there is more information and regular updates:

Posted on 20th March 2023

by Sheffield City Council